The next course in our Ancient History rotation will be reading what is considered to be among the greatest philosophical works ever created; namely, the works of Plato. There are many, many translations available online, in libraries, and reprinted and distributed through popular booksellers (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Bookstar). The links below include online translations as well as suggested translators (most popular). Please feel free to use whatever source you may have on hand or locally available.
Our study of ancient philosophy will bring this study in Ancient history and culture to a close. We will read The Republic first and then depending on time and interest, the Apology, Crito and Phaedo. We will also read some Aristotle, either Nicomachean Ethics or selections On Happiness, On The Highest Good or Poetics
The Republic (c. 360 BC)- HTML (10 pages, indexed) at the Litrix Reading Room (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- HTML (Multi-page, indexed) at The Constitution Society (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- HTML (11 pages, 52-110 KB) at MIT Classics Archive (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- HTML at Perseus/Tufts (Translated by Paul Shorey)
- Text file (680KB) at MIT Classics Archive (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- Text file (655KB) at Wiretap (ftp) (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- Text file (681KB) at The Constitution Society (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- Hardcover edition of Plato : Complete Works (Hackett Pub Co, 1997, 1808 pg).
- Paperback edition, translated by G.M. Grube (Hackett Pub Co, 1992, 320 pg).
- Paperback edition, translated by Benjamin Jowett (Vintage Books, 1991, 397 pg).
- Paperback edition, translated by Francis M. Cornford (Oxford Univ Pr, 1988, 366 pg).
- Paperback edition, translated by Allan Bloom (Basic Books, 1991, 487 pg).
- Audio CD edition, unabridged (Agora Pubns, 2001).
- HTML (single page, 81 KB) at MIT Classics Archive (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- HTML (single page, 66KB) at the Constitution Society (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- HTML at Perseus/Tufts (Translated by Harold North Fowler
- Text file (59KB) at The Constitution Society (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- Hardcover edition of Plato : Complete Works (Hackett Pub Co, 1997, 1808 pg).
- Paperback edition of Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito, translated by F.J. Church (Prentice Hall, 1956, 88 pg).
- Paperback edition of Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo, translated by Benjamin Jowett (Prometheus Books, 1988, 138 pg).
- Audio Cassette edition, unabridged, of Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito (Agora Pubns, 1995).
- Audio CD edition, unabridged, of Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito (Agora Pubns, 1998).
- HTML (single page, 43 KB) at MIT Classics Archive (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- HTML (33 KB) at the Constitution Society (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- HTML at Perseus/Tufts (Translated by Harold North Fowler)
- Text file (28KB) at The Constitution Society (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- Hardcover edition of Plato : Complete Works (Hackett Pub Co, 1997, 1808 pg).
- Paperback edition of Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito, translated by F.J. Church (Prentice Hall, 1956, 88 pg).
- Paperback edition of Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo, translated by Benjamin Jowett (Prometheus Books, 1988, 138 pg).
- Audio Cassette edition, unabridged, of Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito (Agora Pubns, 1995).
- Audio CD edition, unabridged, of Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito (Agora Pubns, 1998).
- HTML (single page, 200KB) at MIT Classics Archive (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- HTML (166KB) at the Constitution Society (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- HTML at Perseus/Tufts (Translated by Harold North Fowler)
- Text file (145KB) at The Constitution Society (Translated by Benjamin Jowett)
- Hardcover edition of Plato : Complete Works (Hackett Pub Co, 1997, 1808 pg).
- Paperback edition of Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo, translated by Benjamin Jowett (Prometheus Books, 1988, 138 pg).
Nicomachean Ethics (c. 350 BC)- HTML (10 sections, 47-76 KB) at MIT Classics Archive (Translated by W.D. Ross)
- HTML (Multi-page, indexed) at the Constitution Society (Translated by W.D. Ross)
- HTML at Perseus/Tufts (Translated by H. Rackham)
- Paperback edition, translated by J.E.C. Welldon (Prometheus Books, 1987, 358 pg).
- Thrift Paperback edition, translated by D.P. Chase (Dover Pubns, 1998).