- All readers are welcome to join us
- We are a predominately Christian reading group
- We read with a Biblical Worldview
- We discuss readings in light of the Bible
- We all agree to disagree on some points
- We do not allow any foul or abusive language on the list
- We do not allow any solicitation whether for products or services
- We understand that we all are learning and that there isn't always a 'clear cut' answer
- You do not have to read every book listed
- You do not have to read at the suggested pace
- You are welcome to post your comments and or questions to the group
- You are free to unsubscribe and resubscribe at your discretion
- All posts are screened for content and at the sole opinion of the moderator may be edited or removed
- Members may be removed at any time and for any reason (although this has never happened) should they break the rules above or become aggressive or antagonistic towards the Moderator or any member.
- This is a slow paced non-intellectual reading group -- you do not have to be a Biblical or Classical studies scholar to read. Most of our members are home schooling parents, retiree's or book lovers who like to read at a gentle pace.